Local Alumni Recognized for Service

The Order of the Lion

The Order of the Lion recognizes outstanding commitment and loyalty to the Fraternity by an alumnus. The recipient must have demonstrated outstanding service to the Fraternity on any level for an extended period of time.

Three local alumni from the SAE-Phoenix Alumni were recognized by the Arizona Beta Chapter and National Fraternity staff during the installation banquet on February 16th. These include Brother Mike Donahoe, Oklahoma Kappa ‘62 and Bill Wienke, Texas Alpha ‘60, who were presented the ORDER OF THE LION. Brother Stan Strom was recognized with the ORDER OF MINERVA.

Mike Donahoe, OK Kappa ‘62 receives the Order of the Lion Award

Bill Wienke, TX Alpha ‘60, receives the Order of the Lion Award



Description: The Order of Minerva recognizes outstanding commitment and loyalty to the Fraternity by an alumnus over an extended period of time on various Fraternity levels.

Materials: Recipients will receive a printed certificate and lapel pin.

Requirements: The recipient must have five years of significant service on the local, regional or national level or combination thereof in one or multiple positions (e.g. house corporation or alumni association officer, chapter advisory board, province officer OR long-term project, such as serving on an alumni commission). In addition, he already should have been awarded the Order of the Lion. This honor be recommended at any point in the alumnus' career, even within five years of graduation, if the contribution was significant as described.

Nomination: An alumnus member may be nominated by any individual or any governing body.

Approval & Presentation: This award is approved by the Eminent Supreme Recorder and may be presented by a Chapter Collegiate, alumni association, province or national officer.

Stan Strom, Arizona Beta ‘82 is the recipient of the Order of Mineva


Description: The Order of the Lion recognizes outstanding commitment and loyalty to the Fraternity by an alumnus.

Materials: Recipients will receive a printed certificate and lapel pin.

Requirements: The recipient must have demonstrated outstanding service to the Fraternity on any level for an extended period of time.

Nomination: An alumnus may be nominated by any individual or any governing body.

Approval & Presentation: This award may be approved and presented by any governing body of the Fraternity.


Arizona Alpha Chapter at U of A Suspended

A University of Arizona fraternity has been suspended from campus after an investigation by its national headquarters, officials said Friday.

Sigma Alpha Epsilon headquarters notified UA officials that the fraternity’s charter had been suspended after an investigation into health and safety violations, according to a UA news release.

The UA’s Dean of Students Office followed suit this week, sending the chapter a loss of recognition letter, the news release said.

“It is quite rare for a national office to shutter a chapter when the institution of higher education has not initiated a loss of recognition due to a violation of the Student Code of Conduct; however, SAE’s national leaders clearly identified disturbing behavior and practices that are not in line with their core values,” Dean of Students Kendal Washington White told the Arizona Daily Star in an email.

“I am impressed by their actions and hope that if SAE ever returns to campus, they will serve as a model for brotherhood, service and leadership.”

White told the Star that Sigma Alpha Epsilon did not provide the UA with details about the violations.

Sigma Alpha Epsilon notified alumni and members of its UA chapter that the chapter had been disbanded, the news release said.

“We have tremendous respect for a fraternal organization that holds its members accountable for their actions,”

Sigma Alpha Epsilon headquarters is working with the UA to draft an agreement that will allow the fraternity to apply for future reinstatement, provided that no current members are affiliated with the new chapter, the release said.

Sigma Alpha Epsilon’s national headquarters did not immediately respond to the Star’s request for comment.

Earlier this month, the Star reported on six UA fraternities that had been or were currently under investigation by the school. Sigma Alpha Epsilon was not on that list.

The UA chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon was established in 1917 and has been at 1509 E. Second St. ever since.l


Phoenix to Host 2017 & 2018 John O Mosely Leadership Schools

The Supreme Council announced that Phoenix will be the host city for the next two Leadership Schools. The SAE Phoenix Alumni are excited to assist and attend the final banquet. Host resort for 2017 was The Arizona Grande Resort (I-10 & Baseline, Tempe) and 2018 host resort was Talking Stick Resort in Awhatukee, AZ. Former SAE National Staffers and Leadership School faculty (Ray J Artigue, AZ Beta ‘76) and Stan Strom (AZ Beta ‘82) share stories with longtime organist and fellow Province Upsilon alumn, Fred Phelps (TX GA, ‘64) at the Leadership School banquet.
